A business process is a sequence of related activities or responsibilities that together produce a particular outcome, e.g. the provision of customer services or products. Efficient business processes will save a company time and money. Implementing workflow software to automate and manage the business processes is a step in the right direction. Our Business Process Management & Work Flow Solutions will enable users to define different tasks, their boundaries, start and end points, dependencies and business rules. Administrators can set user-level permissions to setup a controlled environment. The goal for most businesses is to eliminate inefficient or unnecessary labour, reduce human error, reduce risk and increase process consistency.
Sdrops has helped many businesses to automate their business processes by implementing easy to use and efficient workflow solutions. Sdrops's workflow solutions have delivered the following features.
Web based solution The application can be hosted in a private cloud, where all of the authorised users of the application can access it anytime and anywhere.
Automate Business Process Any task that is handled by a staff member is mapped into forms and system process.
Manage Resource and Allocation of Jobs Allocation of tasks to resources by group, individual, role or using business rules and monitoring the tasks at a hierarchy level
Alerts, Business Rules, Triggers, Escalation System can raise alerts based on the business rules built in, and escalate the issue/case to the next level if required.
Track Audit and Compliance Tracking who performed the action, and the date and time the action has been performed
Integrate with Other Systems Our solutions can be easily integrated with other systems to retrieve or feed the data.
Document Management Management of relevant documents related to business policies and rules
User Management Administrators can setup various users at different levels and roles.
Generate reports, letters and emails Generation of graphical/data reports, letters or emails through automated processes or through manual intervention