HELPING our CLIENTS with flexible alternatives
SDROPS provides consulting on challenging and important issues, such as:
SDROPS has supplied Contract and Temporary staff to companies throughout India and Asia for 12 years.
We have Recruitment Consultants that specialise in Contract and temporary staffing solutions.
Our years of experience in this industry has shown us that most business can predict staffing needs. Whether this is due to simple projected business growth, seasonal change, project work and meeting deadlines, we can put the right Contract / Temporary staffing solution in place for you.
Why hire Temporaries or Contractors instead of employees?
Some of the reasons include:
- The need for temporary resources for specific projects
- Restrictions on employee numbers, (Some companies and organisations may have restrictions on full/part time employee numbers, however, they may be able to offer contracting roles)
- Outsourcing, (Many companies and organisations may outsource particular functions e.g. IT)
- Contracting reduces the need to Outsource keeping costs down.
- Flexibility, (Contracting offers companies flexibility to hire staff on a needs basis.)
- Directly reduce your fixed staff costs
- Benefits client receive for using Temporaries or Contractors
The ability to outsource the bulk of employer liabilities and administration in regard to employment Legislation for Contract and Temporary staff.
Receipt and Payment of one single invoice which covers:
- Workers Compensation;
- Payroll tax
- Income Tax
- Superannuation
- Unburden the accounts department of:
- Payment Summaries
- Invoicing
- Unburden support services/departments of:
- Site specific Inductions and On-Boarding (if supplied)
- Training, Up-Skilling
- Screenings(Police, Medical, Education.. etc..)
- Flexible staffing solutions
What do you want from your temporary staff?
- Someone with the qualifications and experience to take on the role or project and the ability to produce results immediately
- Someone who will fit into your team and have a flexible attitude,
- Someone who understands that every hour is an important hour,
- Someone who brings a sense of urgency into a work environment and is happy to complete the task and move on.
This Recruitment service sounds interesting – what's the next step to working together?
Easy – just Contact Us to arrange a Free Consultation, and we can talk through all the options then, and will be able to recommend the services best suited to your specific needs.